Friday, August 24, 2018

Tips To Get Organized For Back To School (With A Stick 2 Me Labels Giveaway!)

Colorful Stick 2 Me personalized labels on a white background

*This is a sponsored post. All opinions are authentic and my own. Thank you for supporting the awesome companies that partner with Woman in Real Life.

There are so many emotions swirling around when it's time for the kids to go back to school - nervousness, excitement, sadness that summer's come to an end. Along with all of those mixed feelings comes a pressing need to get lots of tasks accomplished. Shopping is a biggie - school uniforms or first-day outfits, pencils, paper, binders, indoor and outdoor shoes. And then there's the feeling that our days would flow better and our mornings would run more smoothly if we could just get the house organized. I think we need to put aside perfection or we're just going to drive ourselves crazy. That being said, I have a few tips (learned over years of struggle) to help you get organized for back to school. 

Hold A Family Meeting

Whether your kids are just starting school or heading off to high school, there's a lot to be gained by holding a family meeting. Make it fun - start off with refreshments and appoint a secretary to take notes. Reminisce over your favourite summer activities. Talk about the fun things you each want to do during the school year. Then it's time to get to the agenda. School lunches (ugh!) are gonna be on the list. Get the recording secretary to jot down everyone's ideas for healthy snacks and lunches that the kids will actually eat. (Kids can bargain in a packaged snack or two.) Another agenda point - request that the kids empty their own backpacks and hang them up when they come in the door each day. Invite others to bring up issues that they feel might impact daily schedules and processes.

Create Study Areas For Each Child

If your child is young or needs lots of assistance, you might designate a corner of the kitchen or family room for school work. A teenager or child who prefers a quiet environment might work better in their bedroom. Enlist your children's help to tidy desks and stock study spaces with supplies they'll enjoy using. Make sure they have good lighting and a comfortable chair.

Prepare A Spot For Backpacks and Shoes

I personally cannot stand tripping over shoes and backpacks in the entryway. Maybe you have a lovely, tidy mudroom with storage lockers where the kids can tuck away their stuff. Or maybe (like me) you don't. So bang a couple of pretty hooks into a wall near the entrance and get the kids to hang up their backpacks there. Shoes can get tucked into a closet or thrown into a storage basket. While you're at it, make sure each person has their own laundry bin in their bedroom (and pray that they use them - we're still working on this one at our house).

Create A Tray For School Papers

Ask the kids to drop school papers that need your review/input into the tray. Keep your cheque book at the ready for supplies and trips you have to pay for. And get the papers back to school asap so they don't get lost.

Check Boots, Coats and Mittens

Go through boots, coats and mittens from last year to see if they fit and whether they need cleaning. Make a list of items needed. (I know, I know, nobody wants to think about winter yet but it always comes as a surprise, and you don't want to send your kids to school sans boots in the snow - I've totally done it.)

Label All The Things

Glue sticks, flash drives, backpacks, gym clothes, pens, pencils, rulers, binders, pencil cases, water bottles, food containers, lunch bags. Label 'em all and increase the odds you won't have to buy new ones in a month.

About Stick 2 Me

The beautiful labels featured in this post are from Stick 2 Me. They are fun, durable labels, created by Annie Nadeau, who designed them to help organize her busy life with two children. What I most love about these labels is that Annie has personally illustrated each lovely collection. The designs are unique and there's a style to suit every child. My daughter chose the flamingo collection with the round font. We elected for first name only but you can add your last name. Another alternative is to only include your last name, if the labels are to be shared by two siblings.

Take a look at the other gorgeously illustrated collections here. I personally love the forest collection, the monsters collection and the garden gnome collection. The unicorn and mermaid collections are no doubt popular too. There are also really cool graffiti collections and more neutral collections with geometric, triangle and nautical illustrations.

Stick 2 Me labels are shipped internationally (from Canada). They are waterproof. They are also washable and UV resistant. You can put them in the dishwasher or microwave without worry. They can be used on shoes and clothing, school supplies, cups, bottles, snack containers, electronic devices and sports supplies - basically anything that your child might misplace. For clothes, you can choose from iron-on or self-adhesive labels (depending on whether they will be adhered to a clothing tag or directly onto the clothing).

Check out the different collections at Stick 2 Me and tell me which is your favourite. (I know, it's hard to choose!)

Enter To Win A Set Of 216 Stick 2 Me Labels (2 Winners)

Residents of Canada and the United States may enter to win 1 of 2 sets of beautifully illustrated Stick 2 Me labels. Enter using the rafflecopter widget below until September 16th.


  1. I would like the Unicorn collection because my youngest would just love me to win it for her. Thanks for the chance.🤞🍀

  2. I would love the unicorn collection! Thank you!

  3. The Pineapple Collection is so cute!

    1. Yes, the pineapples are part of the flamingo collection. :)

  4. I love the comic book collection.

    1. Yeah, those are really unique Sara. Love them too!

  5. I like the cats & dogs collection.

    1. I mean, how could you not, right? So adorable.

  6. So many to choose from.

  7. I like The Pineapple Collection

  8. I love the energy collection

  9. These are so much fun! I love the monster collection! The dino collection looks good too! I think it would be hard to pick just one!

  10. So many cute designs, but the monster collection has to be my favorite one. Thanks for the giveaway!

  11. My oldest needs new labels! I used up all the ones she had labeling her BTS stuff. She would love the mermaid collection. It would match her backpack. :)

  12. I like the illustrated style of labels

  13. I think I would get the unicorn collection for my granddaughter

  14. I love the forest collection!

  15. I love the illustrated forest collection the most.

  16. I liked the ENERGY COLLECTION most of all. Thanks for the chance!

  17. My daughter is having trouble deciding between the Artistic Sports Collection and the Girl Stuff Collection.

  18. The Geometric Collection would be great for us!

  19. My daughter would love the Mermaids!

  20. Oh the Forest Labels for sure

  21. love the cats and dogs collection !!

  22. I really love the nautical collection!

  23. I would like the Unicorn collection,my granddaughter is such a huge fan!

  24. My son obsessing over the on the road collection

  25. so many great choices, but I'm really loving the Illustrated Garden Gnome Collection!!

  26. I would like the Unicorn collection but the grandkids would like the Forest collection.

  27. the garden gnome collection would be awesome

  28. My favourite are the cats and dogs.

  29. I like the in the wind labels.

  30. I'd most like the unicorn collection.

  31. I like the on the road and the dinos collection for my son. Preschoolers backpacks and lunch boxes all look the same any more. I would love to get this for him with his name so I can put it on his stuff that way he will know what his is!

  32. The Artistic Sports Collection is so cute! My daughter would definitely want that one!
