Thursday, May 15, 2014

The Weekend

Now that the warm weather is here, we are making every effort to get out and enjoy the weekends. In addition to visiting the lovely Cheltenham Badlands on Saturday, we also visited with friends/relatives at their beautiful country home. Each time we go there, I long for a house in the country.

As do the kids. I suspect that they'd even be happy with a trampoline though, but hubby won't add one to our rather small yard.

Following an afternoon of outdoor fun and sunshine, we moved inside for food and wine.

They recently sold this country property, so I snapped a few indoor pictures for memory's sake. I fear I'm going to make the homeowner cry. (Sorry, Rose.) I made them promise they would find a home that's just as picturesque to fulfill my country yearnings in future.

How are you planning to pass the warm weekends?


  1. beautiful! I'm a city girl but love visiting my uncle's place in the country. I wish I could have both!

  2. That is a beautiful home, I've seen ones that look like that so many times when I'm down that way - so pretty!!

    Warm, you say, it hasn't been warm here, it is single digits forecast for the weekend, gladly, I am getting out of here for a few days, so hopefully, I run into some better weather!!

    1. I've always loved Ontario's brick farm houses!

      I admit it's not warm here today either. But in theory it should be warm. ;)

  3. What a gorgeous place! I don't blame you for getting country envy. Hope they find another beautiful place.

  4. Beautiful property!!! The trampoline shots are too cool! Also, I'm a little depressed that I can't do those moves anymore (without needing to ice. Or a gurney.) ;)

    1. Thanks Wendy! She's something on the trampoline. Much braver than her mama. ;) And I could never do those moves. At least you could at one time. ;) Jo
